About the community

We are not a mere collection of individuals, but a community that loves to meet each other and God.

We’d love to get to know you too! You are very welcome to get to know us and to join in.


An international church

ICF Delft is an international church, filled with people from all around the world. From all the continents of the earth, we come together to celebrate our faith and be a fellowship together.

Confidential advisors

ICF Delft: ‘Connect – Grow – Serve’

What we stand for


ICF Delft is a English-language Christian fellowship, part of the worldwide Christian church, holding a reformed-evangelical conviction. Our faith is based on the revelation of God in Jesus as described in the Bible, illuminated by the Holy Spirit.  ICF Delft is a Christian community consisting of people from across the whole world.  Our passion is to honour God by serving people in an inter-cultural, English-speaking community.


ICF Delft longs to see the glory of God and the welfare of people demonstrated through internationals in Delft living and loving as followers of Jesus Christ.


Our mission is to invite everyone, of all backgrounds, to become disciples of Jesus, to help them grow in faith in Jesus, and together to serve Jesus where they live and work and wherever they go.


ICF Delft exists because of Jesus’ calling to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world”.  By God’s grace:

1) we are an inviting, caring fellowship closely connected with Jesus,

2) we teach and explain the Bible carefully, showing its relevance for today, helping people to grow in the knowledge of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and

3) we manifest a healing community, serving the (spiritual and material) needs of people around, seeking the welfare of the city.

Membership in 2 steps

The International Christian Fellowship Delft longs to function as a loving and caring family. We want to take responsibility for all our members, whether they stay with us long or short. To be able to fulfil this responsibility, we ask everyone to `check in’ and – when you leave – to `check out’. For this, you can use the form below. Also, when you are interested, but not yet ready for membership, we invite you to check in, so that we can keep in touch with you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know!

Our pastor

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Jos Slager

From my parents and grandparents I inherited a passion for the collection of books we call the Bible. To read the Bible asks a greater effort than to watch a series from Netflix. However, when you begin to see what it all is about, you will discover that the joy, satisfaction and arousal it offers will be huge. It is my passion and joy to help you in this, in the context of a vibrant, loving, international community. Please feel free to connect, to ask your questions and share your experiences.


Your donations are very welcome. If you choose to contribute to our church community financially, please allocate your gift to one of the ministry fields below:

  • GF: General Fund
  • FBLO: Fellowship Building and Local Outreach
  • WP: Work of the Pastors
  • Other: you can indicate a specific goal

Any donations to a specific goal or regular gifts can be directed to ICF’s bank account that is managed by the CvK (College van Kerkrentmeesters). The details are:

Bank account: NL70 RABO 0373 7177 76
On name of: CvK PG, Delft
Description: ICF Delft + specific goal (see above)

NB: It is important that ICF Delft is mentioned in the description. We share the bank account with another church congregation, so gift destinations should be clearly indicated. Thank you.

Donation to ICF Delft is tax deductible according to the Dutch tax law.