Dealing with yourself – Service on Sunday, Feb. 25

Dealing with yourself
How do you look at yourself? Are you satisfied with yourself or struggling with your personality? It is a far from an easy question. Some of us suffer from inferiority feelings, or from killing perfectionism. A recent survey among international students in Delft showed that nearly 25 % seriously struggles with this kind of questions. Expectations of others like peers, teachers or parents can produce a lot of stress. In the service coming Sunday we continue our series of theme sermons on relationships, focusing on the relationship with ourselves.
Together we look in the true mirror of God’s image – how God meant us to be. But there are also a lot of false mirrors that distort our self-image.
How can the beautiful image of God be restored in us? Accepting and believing the Good News of Jesus has great impact on the relationship with myself. In three ways:
1. The Gospel gives a new basis to accept myself.
2. The Gospel is a new incentive to develop myself.
3. The Gospel gives the promise to find myself.
Be most welcome on Sunday at 12:15pm and find out more about this important topic!
Pastor Niek Tramper