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Covenant Community – Covenant Love: Being the People of God in a Shattered World

The holy city of Jerusalem lay in ruins. The magnificent temple built by Solomon, a tangible symbol of God’s presence, was but rubble, a distant memory for the few who had set eyes on it before its utter destruction decades earlier.

Physical eyes could see only a shattered world.

But the Lord Himself had stirred the hearts of His people. The eyes of faith now saw beyond the wreckage and ruin to a restored temple and a renewed relationship with the Lord. The eyes of faith saw God’s goodness. God’s people remembered His promises.

They were ready to rebuild.

Perhaps today we see a strange, shattered world with our physical eyes: shattered peace, shattered societies, shattered relationships, shattered lives.

Do you sense that the Lord is stirring your heart? Do you long to see this seemingly strange world from the Lord’s perspective, with eyes of faith? Do you long for a renewed sense of God’s presence? I do!

Ezra chapter 3, our text for this coming Sunday service, is a story of intense emotions and is an intense challenge for the church today.

Join us this Sunday.

The Lord is Gracious!

Bob Landon



On 28 July there will be no Treasure Seekers groups.  There will be activities for (primary age) children during the service, in the Discoverers room.

On 4 August we also hope to offer some in-service activities.  Treasure Seekers resumes as usual on 11 August.

ICFD Kids and Youth Ministry
“Every child knowing Christ’s love”


Date:28 July 2024
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Bob Landon

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