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Equipped for Spirit-filled Living

Christianity is not a particular expression of the general thing we call religion. It differs from all forms of religion. Religion in general tells you how to live a good life, what are the moral and religious standards that you have to keep to be acceptable to the supreme Being. The message of the Bible is radically different. We cannot be accepted by God through anything we have done, do or ever will be able to do. During our earthly lives – even after we came to believe – our righteousness never attains to the standards of God. But the good news of the Gospel is that God counts everyone righteous who humbly turns away from own efforts and sins and puts his trust in Jesus Christ alone, as Saviour and Lord. Such persons are implanted into a mystical body, the church, the body of Christ and have a union with Christ and with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Not only do we receive God’s forgiveness and adoption and a future inheritance. We also receive the sealing with the Spirit of God, God’s empowering presence abiding with and in us. Henceforth, being loved, we no longer ought to live for ourselves, nor do we long to continue to live for ourselves. But we live with Christ the Lord and for Christ the Lord who loved us.  Upcoming Sunday, as we read Ephesians 5:15-21 again, we will learn more about how God’s Spirit wants to fill us and how that impacts our daily lives. You are so welcome to join and to learn more!

Treasure Seekers

Last week the kids at ICFD saw John the Baptist at the start of Mark’s gospel.  Mark continues this week by introducing Jesus. Please can Explorers kids bring their bibles?

Title: The King is Coming
Text: Mark 1:9–13
Big Idea: The Lord arrives! At his baptism, God tells everyone that Jesus is his son and in the desert Jesus proves he can conquer sin.
Aim: To teach that Jesus’ baptism shows that he was chosen by God as the one who is willing and able to conquer sin.



Date:12 January 2025
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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