Solid Faith in a Shattered World
If you are like most people, at some point in the morning you will get on to the internet and check out the latest news. That is rarely a pleasant experience. Morning by morning new stories and images of suffering and tragedy we see. The apparent reality of a shattered world assaults us before we have had a second cup of coffee. Hiding from it, ignoring it, or letting ourselves become numb to it is not an appropriate option. It raises serious questions:
How can this be?
How did this happen?
How do we deal with this?
When will this stop?
Has the world gone crazy?
Where is God in all of this?
How do we find real peace and rest?
This Sunday we will catch a glimpse of real hope in the midst of lament.
Solid Faith in a Shattered World: Lamentations 3.
Title: The Vineyard
Text: Isaiah 5:1-7
Big Idea: Isaiah told a parable about a vineyard that God lovingly cared for, but it only bore bad fruit, so God promised to judge it and make it into a wasteland.
Aim: To teach that we cannot make excuses for our sin, but those who hear God’s warning, repent and trust in Jesus can be confident that the judgment they deserve has already fallen on God’s Son.
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Bob Landon