Strength For A New Season
For many in the end of August a new seasons is starting. A new year of your studies, work, maybe even a whole new period in your life. That may feel exciting, but also (a bit) threatening. Can I make it? Where do I find the strength? Upcoming Sunday we read a small passage from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 3:14-21), where Paul prays for strength for the Christians at Ephesus. He knows that they live in a world wherein godliness is far from easy. Yet through his prayer the Spirit of God has strengthened both them and many ever since.
May we receive the same, upcoming Sunday, when we explore this empowering prayer. You are so welcome to join and learn more!
Jos Slager
Strength In Weakness
As your pastor, I (Jos Slager) have gone through a period of disease and bodily weakness the past months. Though weak in body, I was encouraged by the Lord and have experienced the strength that God gave me through the prayers of so many of you. Thank you so much for your kindness and prayers! Investigations are still ongoing, blood values are still not what they should be and still I do not have much energy. Yet I am grateful to God that my condition has improved, so that – Lord willing – I hope to be able to preach the Word upcoming Sunday. The first step is to restart preaching, I do not yet restart pastoral care, for this you may approach our elders. Please keep on praying for my recovery (as I know many of you have been doing). The advice of my occupational health doctor is to restart partially and cautiously. This means that at first I will not preach weekly, but bi-weekly. And that I (sadly enough, for energy sake) will not stay after the service. I ask for your understanding herein. Yet, I am much looking forward to seeing your faces again.
Jos Slager
Will Daniel and his friends stay faithful to the one true God in a foreign land? This week at ICFD, the kids look at another famous story in chapter 3 of Daniel.
Please can Explorers kids bring their bibles?
The memory verse for the Daniel series is: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” (Acts 5:29a)
Sunday 25 August
Lesson Title: The Furnace
Text: Daniel 3:1-30
Big Idea: Daniel’s friends trusted in God alone, even when Nebuchadnezzar threatened to kill them for not worshipping an idol.
Aim: To teach the need to trust in God alone, even in difficult situations.
ICFD Kids and Youth Ministry
“Every child knowing Christ’s love”
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager