Latest Past Events

Equipped to Live by Grace

New Church Delft Markt 80, Delft

As human beings we are born imitators. Someone may think that he or she is very original. But in some regard, we are always imitating someone. Probably we are less original than we might have thought. Soon we will celebrate Christmas. We celebrate and give thanks for the birth, the arrival, the coming, the advent ... Read more

Equipped to Maintain Peace II

New Church Delft Markt 80, Delft

In the beginning of the Bible we read how the first peace was broken. The serpent came with falsehood to Eve. He gossiped and slandered about God. Adam failed to be angry with the serpent in order to maintain their peace with God. The first peace was broken. And as you read in the Bible ... Read more

Equipped to Maintain Peace I

New Church Delft Markt 80, Delft

For some jobs there is specific clothing. Think of a fireman, a policeman, a soldier. Imagine a fireman who has quit his job and has signed the contract for policeman. It is inappropriate for such a person to wear any longer the clothing of the fireman. As he has a new job now, he should ... Read more