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Nothing seems weaker than a spoken word: it’s just a vibration of the air. However, we know that words are magic. Words we hear can make us feel good or sad. Words can bring hope or destroy hope. God chose to sow his ultimate word in this world. His word is the word that the world needs. Though it can easily be neglected and rejected.
Hearing his word leads to a fruitful life. And through his word God builds his new, coming Kingdom.

Join the service upcoming Sunday. And share the word with others, by sharing the link of the service on your social media.

The Children’s Ministry | 12:30 pm

On 7 February the Treasure Seekers bible passage is Mark 2:13-17. The big idea is that Jesus calls Levi, a despised tax collector, to follow him and shows the Pharisees that God’s grace is for anyone who knows they need it. Here is a video about part of the passage.

The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).  Here it is on youtube.


Date:7 February 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager