The Gospel in a multi-religious society Salvation and the Muslim concept of Sharia 29 April

Salvation and the Muslim concept of Sharia
Islam has been in the news often in the last couple of decades. Christian-Muslim
relationships often are not without tensions, but what happens when Muslims and
Christians have a serious encounter and talk about salvation?
Superficially Muslims and Christians seem to have much in common: the belief in a God who
is the Creator; God’s revelation in holy writings, the belief in final judgment, prophets,
angels, and also Jesus who did miracles and will return on earth.
Nevertheless when it comes to central questions like the character of God, the nature of sin
and the way of salvation, Muslims and Christians diverge widely. In the Muslim-Christian
encounter the big question arises: Allah or Jesus? For Muslims aqeeda (what they need to
believe) and sharia (how they ought to live) is essential. But what do Christians mean when
they confess that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life?
In the service of ICF-Delft on Sunday 29th April we explore crucial questions about the way
of salvation, and the character of grace, based on the Gospel of John (chapter 14 verses 1 –
17). For example: Why did God create us and for what did He designate us? How do we find
peace with God and true hope for the future? How shall we escape condemnation at eternal
Why not inviting your Muslim friends or colleagues to join you for this Sunday service? They
are very welcome, and we are glad to engage them in further discussion over tea and coffee
after the service! The service starts at 12 hrs 15 in de Génestetkerk, Oude Delft 102.
Pastor Niek Tramper