Russia and Ukraine – How to respond
Now that the Covid-crisis almost seems to come to an end we see a new, big crisis that has only just begun. And no one knows how it will end.
Russian troops, invading Ukraine. It is almost impossible not to pay attention to what happens. It shocks us and we feel concerns and compassion with people who now find themselves into a new war. There are three things we can do now. First, we must focus on God in this crisis and find our rest in Him. For this, I recommend to listen to this sermon in our sermon library:
Secondly, we should pray. People in Ukraine need our prayers. The Word commands us to pray for all who are in high positions (I Tim.2:1-4).
Thirdly, we may come to see that our compassion should become concrete and be translated in a willingness to help. Let us pray that we will be open and ready for that. Last, but not least: we must remind ourselves that Jesus foretold that these things would and should happen and that we should not be terrified (Luke 21:9-19). He is in control, his kingdom is surely coming, it is unstoppable. His kingdom is a kingdom of peace.
Let the things that happen now, make us pray the more: your kingdom come!