Many of us are sojourners: people who live in a country that is not their home country. Of course it makes a difference if you are here as an international student, an expat or a refugee. But the same question may bother us all: where actually am I at home?
Being at home depends on many factors, like: feeling accepted and affirmed, perspective, relationships and realization of life goals. We feel at home when we have satisfying roles in life for example as a student or researcher, as an employee, friend, family member, son, father or civilian. We feel at home when we experience a solid base for our identity. So the question on what we can base our identity (life security and life vision) is an extremely important one. It may help to allow yourself a form of self-assessment. Why do I do what I do? Why am I in the place where I am?
Where at home?
In ICF-Delft church services we continue the series on the life of Joseph. Coming Sunday (15 October) we see two very different personalities with very different life perspectives that meet one another: Josephs (very) old father Jacob and the Pharaoh (king) of Egypt. Jacob says to the king: ‘I always have been a sojourner. There is no place on earth where I am at home.’ (Genesis 47 verse 9). So, what could affirm his identity, his security and hope, being a stranger in a foreign country?
Where are you at home? A lot of aspects play an important role in feeling at home: study, work, career, achievements, relationships, family, nationality, etc. But what if you loose some of them? Does it undermine your identity? The Gospel (Good News) of God is that He wants to give us an identity, hope and security that transcend everything. The Gospel tells us to loose our old one and receive a new and lasting one, in finding our home in the eternal Kingdom of God. How is that possible? See and hear more about this in the service! (Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102, 12:15pm).