ICF on Sunday

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

– Blessing from 2 Corinthians 13:14

Sunday Services

Every Sunday the ICF Delft community gathers together to meet God as the Bible is explained.  Everyone is welcome, whether you are a committed follower of Jesus, or just exploring.  Come as you are: there are no special clothes, and you won’t be asked to do anything you find uncomfortable.

Our Sunday gathering starts at 12:30 at the New Church (Nieuwe Kerk) (Google Maps) and lasts about 75 minutes.  There are songs, a Bible reading and talk, and prayers.  You are most welcome to join us!  We offer a creche and activities for children.  After the service, free tea and coffee are served.

The nearest train station is Delft (central), less than 10 minutes walk away.  The nearest tram stop (tram 1 or 19) is Prinsenhof.  There is parking at the central Delft car park, such as the Prinsenhof car park.

Live stream

Our services are streamed live at youtube and at kerkomroep, and can also be listened to later.  Please note that we turn off the microphone before the intercessory prayers, for privacy reasons.

Potluck fellowship meal

The community meets once per month to enjoy lunch together immediately after the church service. The format is “potluck”, which means that everybody brings a contribution to be shared. This provides a wonderful opportunity for fellowship within the community.

There is also frequently a group of people who go out to lunch together immediately after the Sunday service.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it

– Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Sunday school and nursery

Teaching children about Jesus

We love children at ICF Delft!  We try to make church the high point of the week for children and to do all we can to help them learn about God and develop peer relationships which are likely to be crucial as they grow up.  We offer supervised creche facilities for under 3s, and a children’s group for primary school age.  Young people from 11 years are welcome to stay in the main service, or help with the younger children; we hope to launch a dedicated group for them.


The children’s topics follow the Bible theme of the main service.  You can find out more in the calendar.