Joy in Suffering?!

Although trouble and suffering are unavoidable in life, we don’t like them – do we? And if possible, we avoid them. However, sometimes we are grateful since others were willing to suffer for us, in order to help us. Then it is important for us to know whether they were really willing to suffer so much for us.

Coming Sunday we read Colossians 1:24-2:5 and we will see how Paul expresses joy in suffering on behalf of the Colossians. And we will learn a lot about the Gospel, ministry and about the strange combination of joy and pain.

Pastor Jos Slager

The Children’s Ministry

The (kids) theme for 7th June is “Paul rejoicing in his suffering for the gospel”, from the passage Col. 1:24-2:5. Pastor Jos will speak to the kids about this. The song is “God’s People Aren’t Super Brave, Super Heroes!” by John Hardwick.


Join for virtual coffee:

Salvation in Buddhism, May 13

‘Salvation in Buddhism’

One of the deepest thinkers on the subject of suffering was Buddha. Next Sunday we continue the series of services about salvation and the world religions. What can we learn from the teachings of Buddha and what is the Christian answer to the problem of suffering?

We look forward to see you coming Sunday in the Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15 and discover together more about what Rev. Hans-Jan Roosenbrand will tell us about this topic!

Why Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples? March 25

Why Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples?

Coming Sunday 25 March is the first day of a special week as we remember the suffering of the Lord Jesus. This week is called the Holy Week or Silent Week.

Why was Jesus betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas? It seems that nobody understood Jesus’ way of suffering so well as Judas. But he didn’t want it. It is clear that he was very disappointed in Jesus in the end. Judas’ ideas about the coming Kingdom were very different from Jesus’ way.

Disappointment is a strong emotion in relationships. Disappointment can easily lead to frustration and rejection. Jesus didn’t meet Judas’ expectations and that is why he started to despise him. But Jesus didn’t give up loving Judas.

The story of Judas is a kind of mirror about dealing with disappointments. But more important it encourages us to think through why we want to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus said that we should take up our cross and follow Him. The cross is the point where Jesus’ longing and my longing cross. How can we persevere and grow as a disciple of Jesus? Hear, see more in the church service of ICF Delft coming Sunday 25 March in the Génestetchurch, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15.

Pastor Niek Tramper

Celebration of Holy Communion

This Sunday, as a start of the Holy Week, we also celebrate the Holy Communion. The HC is a special celebration and reminder of what Jesus did for us. Actually Jesus himself is the host and we may receive a piece of bread and a tiny cup of wine as signs of his broken body and shed blood. All who confess Him as their Saviour and Lord are very welcome to partake. If you are still unsure or search to know God, you may let it pass, but we warmly invite you to ask for a personal prayer after the service.


Dynamic Christian community

What does it mean to be Christian? Members of a newly established international fellowship in Antioch, Syria (± 40 A.D.) were called ‘Christians’ for the first time. They stood out in their words and behaviour. Discover more about a sincere Christian life and about a dynamic Christian fellowship in the ICF-Delft church service on 23 July!

What does it mean to be Christian?

The first time we hear the name ‘Christian’ is in Antioch around the year 40 A.D. A new international fellowship arose in that city (the third city in the Roman Empire). This happened because some Jewish followers of Jesus where scattered around by persecution, moved around, reached the city of Antioch and began to announce the Gospel of Jesus to the Greeks there. This was a new step and outsiders in the city used the nickname ‘Christians’ because their behaviour was notable.

Breakthrough despite suffering

We find the dynamics of this young fellowship in the book of Acts, chapter 11 and 13. The Christian community in Antioch reflects a real breakthrough of the Gospel despite suffering and opposition. Because it crosses many barriers of language and culture. Here you find a compassionate church, caring for the needs of others and a sending church. Because they sent off their best leaders to bring the Gospel to other nations. Being a Christian means participating in this dynamics that includes pain of suffering and joy of breakthroughs. By the way you still can visit the first built Christian church in Antioch that is a city in the south of Turkey now.

Discover more

Discover many more interesting and important marks of a sincere Christian life and a dynamic Christian community! This Sunday, 23 July in the church service of ICF-Delft, 12 hrs 15, Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102. Looking forward to meeting you there! Pastor Niek Tramper.

Why suffering belongs to (the christian) life

Christianity is often associated with health, prosperity, blessing. At the same time we see many Christians having a difficult life because of their faith. Some are laughed at. Others became outcasts. But also if we don’t suffer beacuse of our faith, we suffer in spite of our faith. In fact, suffering is a part of Christian life. Why is that? And how can we deal with suffering in our lives? Sunday we will search for answers to this important question!