Invitation: Discover Jesus with Mark
A question for you: have you ever read the Bible with friends who were not familiar with Christianity? I have. And for me it was so exciting, refreshing and wonderful.
When I was a student, we decided with a few Christian students to try to form a group. Our aim was to read the Bible with non-Christians who would be interested to discover the Bible. And yes, we managed to get a group that lasted for years and we had a great time.
Now perhaps on the one hand you like the idea. But on the other hand, you don’t feel sure about yourself. Will you be able to answer all the difficult questions? How can you find people who are interested? Good questions!
Now I have a challenge for you, when a new year is beginning: could you start such a group? The question of course is: where to start? Perhaps here: pray and ask God whether this might be something for you. Try to discover with whom you could start such a (small) group.
In January, at ICF-Delft, we’ll start a new sermon series, called `Discover Jesus with Mark’. All the sermons will be available as podcasts in our sermon library afterwards. And also material to discuss the passage (but feel free to do it your own way!). My purpose with this series is not only to preach this Gospel and to show you how mindblowing it is. My purpose is also to enable you to get familiar with Mark’s Gospel, so that you will feel equipped and enabled to guide others through it.
So when you listen to the sermons, my question would not only be: did you grasp the message? But also: did it enable you to understand how the passages work, so that you feel equipped to guide others through Mark’s Gospel?
If you like the idea, I propose that you take some time now to:
a) become familiar with Mark’s Gospel
b) find out with whom you can lead a discovery group
c) connect with non-Christians and learn how you can connect them to your group
If you are interested, please let me know. To be continued!
warm greetings,
Jos Slager