A man named Zacchaeus

Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Series: Grow in confidence with Luke
Speaker: Jos Slager
Date: 20-03-2022

`Human kind, a hopeful history’ – is the title of a bestselling book by a Dutch author. According to this author, most people are okay. The book aims to give reasons to feel better about the human race. However, even if most people would be okay, then what about the rotten apple that spoils the barrel? Upcoming Sunday, we read the story from Luke’s Gospel about a man named Zacchaeus. His name means righteous, but according to the people in Jericho, he was the rotten apple. When Jesus visited Jericho, Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. And Jesus saw, stayed overnight with and saved Zacchaeus. This Sunday we will learn that Christianity offers much, yes everything, for people who are aware that they are not at all okay. And that Christianity has nothing to offer but a severe warning for everyone who thinks he is okay. You are so welcome to learn more!