The Tested King

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Series: Meet the King with Matthew
Speaker: Jos Slager
Date: 03-03-2024

Before you chose to spend time, money or energy with something, somewhere or with someone, you may first want to read some reviews. You don’t want to be deceived. You don’t want to waste your resources. You don’t want to be naive. The Christian Gospel is a message of salvation and eternal life. It promises God’s forgiveness, newness of life, entrance into God’s Kingdom. But it requires that we surrender to Jesus as Saviour and Lord, unconditionally to his words, his works and his person. That is a big step. Shouldn’t we first test Jesus, before we commit our lives to him? The good news that we will read and hear upcoming Sunday, is that the Lord Jesus has been severely tested. We have a tested King. Jesus, the King, passed the test with flying colours. Upcoming Sunday we will learn more about how that is good and important news for us, with a practical application for our lives. You are so welcome to join and to learn more!