Guidance is essential in finding direction in life. But we need to discern who is a reliable director and counselor, who is trustworthy enough to show us the way. And how to take the right decisions in periods of doubts. Discover more about an honest and really trustworthy Guide in the ICF-Delft service coming Sunday, 20 August
How do you know?
How do you know that you take the right decisions in periods of doubts? Who shows you the way when facing challenges in study, work, family relations or friendships? In a time of crisis you may ask yourself if this happens because of accidental circumstances or because of your own mistakes, or both. And how do you know if this is from God or from God’s enemy, Satan? Often this is not clear.
Trustworthy guide
We all need reliable guides to find the way in life. We are thankful for those who guided us as a child, and helped us as a teenager. But as an adult we ask: ‘How do we discern who is a reliable director and counsellor, trustworthy enough to be a guide for us?’ Coming Sunday, in the service of ICF-Delft we do further exploration in the book of Acts (chapter 16) and learn more about the guidance of God’s Spirit. We discover why he is trustworthy and how He works. He may use a crisis, but also a positive vision. He may use personal conviction but also a fellowship making decisions together.
An eye-opening Guide
God’s Spirit helps us to take decisions that prevent us from quick solutions and easy answers. He guides us to lasting decisions. But there is more. God’s Spirit opens our eyes for what is misleading and corrupt. He uncovers the inclination of us all to pay full attention to ‘goods’ that turn out to be ‘gods’ in the end. He unmasks ‘idols’ that promise us happiness and a good life but betray us finally. Hear, see more about guidance of the Holy Spirit and the freedom He brings, on 20 August in ICF-Delft service in the Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15
Pastor Niek Tramper