StudentLife Activities at TU Delft

StudentLife activities at TU Delft

During November there are several StudentLife activities at TU Delft where we invite you to join and take part in!

What is it all about? We as Christian students in Delft, from different student groups, want to go out and talk to others about God and the meaning of life. We want to try out different ways to talk to people and have some “conversation tools” that we will use.
After talking to other students we will meet shortly and share our experiences. And we will also meet to have training on how to use the “conversation tools” and how to have a follow up meeting. Christian students who would like to participate are very welcome to join!

When: every Thursday, some are on Tuesday.
Time: 12:45 till 13:45 during lunch time in the Aula.

If you would like to know more, or if you want to participate, please contact Solomon Dimitriadis and send an email to or contact him on his mobile: 0617192035. He will add you to the StudentLife WhatsApp group.

See below the schedule for the activities planned: