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Every Sunday the ICF Delft meets in the Nieuwe Kerk. ICF stands for International Christian Fellowship. But what do we mean by Fellowship?Obvious, isn’t it? Maybe it’s not so obvious as it seems to be at first sight. Upcoming Sunday, we will start a new sermon series on the First letter of John. This whole letter is on fellowship. We start to read its introduction, wherein Christian fellowship is clearly defined. And we shall see how helpful it is to have a clear idea of that, in light of all the confusion that there can be around what Christianity is really all about. The theme of the whole new sermon series will be `no fake fellowship’.

The service of upcoming Sunday will be an all-age service. This means that all the children will stay in the whole service. We aim to let the service and the sermon be so, that children feel involved, and can pick up things from the service and learn things from the sermon that are meaningful to them. Yet, it is not ` a children’s service’, it is for all ages, so the aim is that anyone, of whatever age, will hopefully be blessed in this service.


Date:11 June 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager