Vibrant Church – the Style of a Christian Fellowship, May 27

Vibrant Church – the Style of a Christian Fellowship 

Style and design are important in life. Most people prefer certain style in clothing or in decorating their home. Style is everywhere; in the way we organize our mealtimes, celebrate parties, and bring our children to bed. Also in a PhD or inauguration ceremony at university, in a political summit, in a pop concert as well as a football match.  

Which style is characteristic for a Christian community? It is remarkable how spontaneity and style (liturgy) go together. At least this is clear in the reports of the first church in the Bible (in the book of Acts). The fresh Christian community expresses dependence, awe and thankfulness for the living God in different ways and across different cultures. And we will explore why it are so relevant for us today.   

Do you want to participate in the ‘life style’ of Jesus? You must be sure that it isn’t just a formal or outer matter. It relates to a radical inner change that transforms life and that transforms community.  

Come and see, and be involved in our meeting coming Sunday 27th of May, 12 hrs 15. The Bible explanation will be from Acts 2 verses 37-47. This is a special celebration, this time not in the Génestetchurch, but in the famous New Church (on the central market of Delft) that is beautifully restored recently. Till soon! 

Pastor Niek Tramper 

Celebration of Holy Communion  

This Sunday we also celebrate the Holy Communion during the second part of the service. It is special celebration and reminder of what Jesus did for us. We may receive a piece of bred and a tiny cup of wine as signs of his broken body and shed blood. All who confess Him as their Saviour and Lord are welcome to participate. If you search to know God or unsure about (Christian) faith, you may let it pass, but we warmly invite you for a talk or personal prayer after the service.