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Holiness honoured

How do you feel when you failed for your exams? Can you tell it to your family? How do we feel when you are not successful in raising your children? When your marriage is not doing  well? We all hate it to feel ashamed. However, shame comes to us in life. Because of things we did wrong. However, also when we do right, we can be put to shame. We call this misplaced shame. However, then still we feel how strong these feelings can be.

Upcoming Sunday we look at how to deal with shame. Again we look at Bathsheba. And we look at Mary. First it felt as if they were to be blamed for their pregnancy and to be put to shame. But ultimately they would be honoured by God. When we want to follow Jesus, sometimes people will make us feel ashamed. However the Gospel does not only have the power to free us from guilt, but also from shame.

If you want to visit the Nieuwe Kerk, please register here beforehand.  Deadline: register before the night of Friday to Saturday (00:00)



The Children’s Ministry | Time: 12:30

This coming Sunday at Treasure Seekers we continue thinking about how Jesus is king of Christmas — that God’s plan for Jesus to be the King cannot be changed by anyone, ever.

The bible passage is Matthew 2:13-23.  The children will learn that God guides Joseph to make sure that Jesus is protected from King Herod. Everywhere they go fits with the plans God made many years before.

The kids’ song is Who is this Baby? from Praise! 5012.

The memory verse is:

Matthew 1:1 – Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. [CEV]


Date:13 December 2020
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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