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Surprising good news for a New Year

When a new year starts, we can use some good news, don’t we? We have heard so much bad news last year. And faced so many disappointments. We really hope for a good new year.

Upcoming Sunday we start a new sermon series, called Discover Jesus with Mark. Weekly we will read from Mark’s Gospel. Gospel means `good news’. Then what is the good news we should know about?

Come and discover it upcoming Sunday. Join the livestream – and invite others that they may also watch our services.

The Children’s Ministry | 12:30 pm

With January, ICF Delft starts a new sermon series in the gospel of Mark.  Treasure Seekers will also start with Mark.

On 3 January the Treasure Seekers bible passage is Mark 1:1-8.  The big idea is that John the Baptist told the people that the Lord himself was coming, and that they needed to get ready by turning back to God and being baptised.

The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).

There are no in-person Treasure Seekers groups while the current covid rules continue.


Date:3 January 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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