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Bible reading: Mark 2,13-22.

We all live in a pretty complicated world. There are so many different people and groups, each with different customs, traditions and ideas. It is quite a challenge to find your own way.

This Sunday we will listen to a story in which we see how Jesus enters this world. In it, He challenges you to rediscover which group you want to belong to, which habits are appropriate and what you want to believe.

The Children’s Ministry | 12:30 pm

On 24 January the Treasure Seekers bible passage is Mark 1:29-39. The big idea is that Jesus told the people that God’s kingdom had arrived. They could be a part of it by leaving their old ways and following Him – right now! Here is a video about the passage

The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).


Date:24 January 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Hans-Jan Roosenbrand

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