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The Result of Gospel Faith: True Rest

It seems the most alarming situation one can imagine: a child that is nearly dying. Not a single second can be lost! But when Jesus is underway to heal a twelve years old girl, there is someone else who gets his attention. The father of the girl is totally desperate. But Jesus shows: where He comes, He brings true rest. Whatever the circumstances are in our lives, we always can have full faith in the Gospel. Jesus brings true rest, also to us!



The Children’s Ministry | 12:30 pm

On 28 February the Treasure Seekers bible passage is Mark 4:26-34. The Big Idea is that Jesus tells two parables to teach that God is the one who grows his kingdom, even from the smallest beginnings. Here is a short animated video telling the first parable of the passage and one telling the second.

The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).  Here it is on youtube.

If your child(ren) speak Dutch, there is a series of programmes called Mozaiek Kids with songs, bible story, and explanation.  The current episodes look at various sayings of Jesus.


Date:28 February 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:René van Loon

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