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Free from Fear of Failure

We all know fear of failure at times. What if… ? Often when we experience stress, underlying we fear failure. How can we deal with this fear? Of course we can try harder to be successful and avoid failures. We can hide our failures or look at the failures of others to feel better. But the Gospel shows us a liberating different way to deal with fear of failure. Upcoming Sunday we will learn more about this. You are very welcome to join the service and invite others who might be interested.


The Children’s Ministry | 12:30 pm

Easter is approaching!  Treasure Seekers continues to look at Jesus as King through the eyes of Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends.  We explore Peter’s  growing understanding of what it means for Jesus to be a King and a friend.

This Sunday, 14 March, is the second lesson in our series The Amazing King.  The Bible passage is Matthew 16:13-28.  The Big Idea is that Peter realises that Jesus is the promised King, but struggles to understand that Jesus and his followers will suffer.

Here is a video telling the Bible story with some explanation.

The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).

The memory verse for the series is:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5 [NIV]


Date:14 March 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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