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Damaging Hopelessness Dealt With

Our hearts are informed by our minds. Our minds are informed by what we hear and see. Our conduct flows from our hearts. If our hearts have come to believe things, this will become visible in our conduct. For instance, if our heart has come to believe that we will not pass our studies, then our efforts will immediately drop to a minimum. And such conduct of course is damaging for our results. Exhortations to work harder will not have any effect. Unless the conviction is addressed that we will surely not pass our studies.

We have started to read from the Bible the first letter of Peter. Peter writes to people who struggle with really tough experiences. Due to these experiences their motivation to live Christian lives might drop to a minimum. Although Peter does not deny these experiences, he addresses the conviction that these imply that there is no real hope. Fuelling their and our hope, he renews the motivation to live a Christian life – so that we can become agents of hope. An important theme!

Join and invite others to watch the service with you! We will read I Peter 1:13-2:3.


Celebrate Holy Communion

Immediately after the (online-)service we will celebrate Holy Communion. `Taste and see that the Lord is good!’. Not only by our ears, but also by our mouth the Lord wants us to know about His goodness. Have some bread and some grape juice or wine at hand, so that you can participate. Also when you are not yet a believer in Jesus Christ, but when you just would like to be there during the celebration (without eating and drinking), feel free and welcome to join. Afterwards it is possible to stay for a coffee in breakout rooms. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! (ds.josslager@gmail.com)

To join this celebration, please write to info@icfdelft.nl to get the Zoom link.


Treasure Seekers | 12:30

This Sunday is part 2 of the Treasure Seekers series The Reigning King!

The Bible passage is Acts 3:1-26, and the Big Idea is: Peter’s healing and preaching both point to the reigning King Jesus; he is the only one who can forgive and restore those who trust in him.

Here is a video about the passage. The kids’ song is He’s the King of Kings (Who is this Man?).


Date:25 April 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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