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Anxiety deeply dealt with

We all know feelings of anxiety at times – don’t we? Even if we don’t, we know enough people who do. Can anxiety be dealt with? And has the Bible a meaningful message in case we struggle with feelings of anxiety?

Upcoming Sunday we will see it certainly has! Feelings of anxiety are closely related to the fear that we might fail the instance whose judgement (according to our conviction) ultimately counts. Such feelings are deeply rooted. They do not spring only from our thoughts, but from deep within our hearts. How can such feelings be dealt with?

Of course we can try to meet the standards. But in Peter’s letter – the letter we are reading these weeks – we discover a better way. It starts with realising that blessing and freedom of condemnation are offered to us by God through Jesus Christ. Our ascended Lord is the only One whose judgement ultimately counts. He died for our sins and rose for our justification. In this good news, in this Gospel we receive arms to weapon ourselves in our thinking against feelings of fear, failing and anxiety. And as a result we are equipped to freely live beautiful, honourable lives for Him (our new instance to look at).

Come, join and learn more in the service of upcoming Sunday! If you like the theme, you might invite your friends (with Instagram/WhatsApp/etc.) to join this service.

Treasure Seekers 

This Sunday is part 5 of the Treasure Seekers series The Reigning King, looking at the early church through Peter’s eyes.

Enough parents already want kids activities as part of the ICFD services — so Treasure Seekers groups start again this Sunday in person!  As usual, the children will leave for their own Bible teaching part-way through the service, after the kids song, and rejoin for the final song of the service.  The creche room is also available for 0-2 year olds.

For those not attending ICFD in person, we’ll continue to send materials by email.

This week the kids’ Bible passage is Acts 9:31-43.  The Big Idea is that Peter did two miracles to prove that he was Jesus’ true messenger who should be listened to.

Here is a video which tells the story and explains it.  The kids’ song is: Came Down From Heaven (Jesus is the Lord).

The memory verse for the series is:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 [NIV]



Date:16 May 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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