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Return to the Father’s House

In our short summer series in the Old Testament we are focusing on God’s plan to fill all creation with His glory. He is accomplishing this goal through a chosen covenant family destined to be bearers of the divine image and to reflect, resemble, and represent their Heavenly Father to all the families on earth.

God had called out Abraham to go from his country, from his kindred, and from his father’s house, with the promise that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed. Now Abraham’s grandson Jacob and his scandalous fractured family seem to be making an unholy mess of it all.

Last Sunday we saw God’s plan complicated by jealousy and sibling rivalry that came within a hair’s breadth of murder – fratricide! This week we will see that plan further complicated by selfishness, lust and incest.

It seems like a turn for the worse – or is it? Is there a glimmer of grace? Is there a glimpse of the gospel here? Is this really a turn for the better, a watershed moment in salvation history?

Join us for worship this week as we unwrap the awkward story of Judah and Tamar and look there for the gospel gift of grace.

Treasure Seekers – no in person

This week the kids look at the next episode from Genesis, another famous passage where (again!) people try to make themselves happy without God.

For one Sunday only, there are no in-person Treasure Seekers groups. This is because of summer holidays. The creche room is available for 0-2 year olds with parental supervision.  In-person groups resume on Sunday 8th.

Even without Treasure Seekers, children are very welcome to ICF Delft services.  It’s no problem if they make noise!  If you bring your child(ren) to the service, would you like to bring them an activity, perhaps a book or the craft below?

The kids’ Bible passage this week is Genesis 11:1-9.  The Big Idea is that the whole world stands together to make themselves great. God punishes this sin by confusing their language. Here is a video telling the story and explaining it. The kids’ song is: “Our God is King Over All the World”.

The memory verse is Romans 3:23:

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” [NIV]


Date:1 August 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Bob Landon

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