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A Changed Life

In our short series from the story of the family of Jacob we have seen the intense conflict between Joseph and the rest of his brothers, conflict that came to the point of wishing him dead.

Last week the we saw the life of Judah turned around under remarkable circumstances. But what about Joseph? He was a seventeen-year-old boy sold into slavery. His dreams of ruling, reigning and blessing are shattered. Could his fortunes get even worse? That is certainly what seems to happen in the next chapter. Others are getting the blessing but Joseph is going even further into trouble.

Can we even begin to think about what must have gone through Joseph’s mind? This was not just a few months or a couple of years. It would be about thirteen years before his fortunes would begin to change. How might we understand this suffering?

The seventeen-year-old boy of Genesis chapter 37 is a changed man. This week we will look further at how God was at work in Joseph’s life, not just for his sake, but for the sake of his fractured family and for all the families of the earth.

Bob Landon

Treasure Seekers – in person

So far from Genesis, the kids have seen how our sin means we can’t be friends with God any more. The good news is that God made a wonderful promise of friendship to Abraham.  In the coming weeks, the kids will learn about how God called Abraham.

During the ICF Delft service, children leave for their own Bible teaching at Treasure Seekers part-way through the service, after the kids’ song, and rejoin for the final song of the service.  The creche room is also available for 0-2 year olds. For those not attending ICFD in person, we’ll continue to send materials by email (see below).

This Sunday, the kids’ Bible passage is Genesis 11:27 – 12:9.  The Big Idea is that despite the whole world proudly rebelling against God, he makes a great promise to Abraham. Abraham believes God and does what he says. Here is a video telling the story. The kids’ song is: “Our God is King Over All the World”.

The memory verse for the Abraham series is Psalm 145:13b:

“The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” [NIV]


Date:8 August 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:Youtube Live Stream / New Church Delft
Speaker:Bob Landon

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