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The problem of longing for without having it

Psalm 23 might be the most famous passage of the whole Bible. After great crises, at funerals and in distress it is often read, sung and listened to. It addresses our deepest longings. We all long to be satisfied, to be safe, to shine – we want to be that sheep carried by the good Shepherd. But to see the picture and to like it, is not the same as to have and experience what it shows. This is the problem of longing for without having it. You are very welcome to come or to listen to upcoming Sunday’s sermon and to learn how this very common problem is dealt with in a very surprising and unexpected way.

Pastor Jos Slager


This week the kids see that Joseph waited patiently for God to keep his promise at the right time and in his own way.

During the ICF Delft service, children leave for their own Bible teaching at Treasure Seekers part-way through the service, after the kids’ song, and rejoin for the final song of the service.  The creche room is also available for 0-2 year olds. For those not attending ICFD in person, we’ll continue to send materials by email.

This Sunday the kids’ Bible passage is Genesis 40:1 – 41:57.  The Big Idea is that after a long time in prison, Joseph is put in charge of Egypt because he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams. Many are saved from the famine the dreams warned about. Here is a video telling the story.

The memory verse for the Joseph series is:

“You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best.” Genesis 50:20 [CEV]



Date:21 November 2021
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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