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God and money

`Mind the gap’. When you enter the London tube, you hear these words everywhere. The Bible also contains a message to mind a certain gap. A gap that can be bridged, but also a gap that makes people stumble and fall. A gap that has to do with the way we do, or do not, spend our money. You are so welcome to learn more upcoming Sunday. If you want to read the Bible passage in advance, then read Luke chapter 16.

Pastor Jos Slager

Treasure Seekers

Lesson Title: The King’s GiftText: Mark 10:35-52Big Idea: The disciples and blind Bartimaeus both saw that Jesus is the promised king; the disciples asked for power, but Bartimaeus asked for mercy.Lesson Aim: To teach that when we understand who Jesus is and what he came to do we will ask for mercy and want to follow him.

Here is a video explaining the story. The kids’ song is  For God So Loved the World.


Date:13 March 2022
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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