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Upcoming Sunday we start a new, small sermon series, on one important chapter in the Bible: Acts 2. The theme of the series is `blessed by the Spirit’. The theme of the sermon of upcoming Sunday will be `The fact of the coming of the Spirit’. In the way Luke describes what happened on that Pentecost day, he pays a lot of attention to show that it was a historical event, it was a fact. Upcoming Sunday we will learn why he did that and why this is so important for us to know and understand. You are so welcome to join, learn more and celebrate Pentecost with ICF Delft at the Nieuwe Kerk!



Lesson Title    :  Cornelius’ ConversionText                    :  Acts 10:1-48
Big Idea            :  Peter tells Cornelius, and those gathered in his house, the good news about Jesus. They receive the Holy Spirit and are baptised.
Teaching Aim: To teach that the good news about Jesus is for everyone – no-one should be kept from hearing that Jesus is the King.

The memory verse for the Acts series is:

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:21 [NIV]



Date:5 June 2022
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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