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Kids sometimes grumble about the food they have to eat. They don’t want it, they don’t like it. But what about the grown ups? We may also have a few things we do not really like to eat. There was a time that Jesus provided a multitude with bread and fish. They enjoyed it, they ate their fill and were satisfied. The next day they wanted more. Then Jesus proposed that they would eat him. He said: I am the bread of life. But then the multitude started to grumble. And to turn their back on Jesus. What did Jesus mean, when he proposed that people would eat him? And why did people start to grumble then? Upcoming Sunday we will read about this from John 6, and learn why this part of the Bible is very important for us all.


Two new things this coming Sunday at Treasure Seekers!
First, a new series on the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew’s gospel.  This series explores Jesus’ teaching on what it means to be one of his followers and a member of God’s Kingdom.  It shows how people become members by admitting their own `spiritual poverty’ and looking to Jesus for help.

The second new thing is that Treasure Seekers multiplies into two groups:* Discoverers: 3-7 years / school group 0-4.* Explorers: 7-11 years / school group 4-8.
Read more….

Lesson Title : Empty HandedText               : Matthew 5:1–3 & 8:1–4Big Idea      :Those belonging to the kingdom of heaven are different because they depend on Jesus completely, rather than on themselves.Aim: To teach the children that they cannot be a part of the Kingdom through their own efforts, but only by depending on Jesus.

The memory verse for the sermon on the mount series is: “God blesses those people who depend only on him.” Matthew 5:3 [CEV].


Date:5 February 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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