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Marriage is God’s idea.
It reflects something of who God is: God is love. It also reflects something about the church: a loving community.
A couple can feel disconnected at times.
– Why is this happening?
– Is there something we can do about this?

It is helpful to go back to the Bible and re-discover God’s design and vision for marriage. We then must take (drastic) decisions to realign our lives with God’s vision. We will look at Genesis 2:24 and some other important passages. Our focus will be practical: how can we improve our communication? See you Sunday!





This Sunday is the kids’ fourth lesson from the Sermon on the Mount, from Matthew’s gospel.We offer two Treasure Seekers groups on Sundays at ICF Delft:* Discoverers: 3-7 years / school group 0-4.* Explorers: 7-11 years / school group 4-8.All pre-school and primary-age kids are welcome. The guideline is that if the child can read (English or Dutch), then Explorers is appropriate, while if the child cannot read yet, then Discoverers is appropriate.  The room at the far end of the New Church is also available for a self-supervised creche for 0-2 years.Lesson Title : Treasure in HeavenText : Matthew 6:19-24Big Idea : Jesus tells his followers to make decisions for the King and his Kingdom rather than to gain things in this world which will not last forever.Aim: To encourage the children to live completely for Jesus now because his Kingdom is the only thing lasts forever.


Date:26 February 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Solomon Dimitriadis

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