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A sneak peek at the sermon

Jesus’ arrival signaled the beginning of something new. Through his ministry, he encountered people who didn’t want to embrace change. He even challenged the teachers of the law with a new perspective. Let’s face it, sometimes it can be difficult to let go of the old way of life. However, to experience the new, we must master the art of letting go and allowing Jesus to work something new in us. This requires a simple yet profound act: a change of perspective because His kingdom is both new in kind and new in time.

Treasure Seekers

This Sunday is the kids’ fifth lesson from the Sermon on the Mount, from Matthew’s gospel.All pre-school and primary-age kids are welcome.  The guideline is that if the child can read (English or Dutch), then Explorers is appropriate, while if the child cannot read yet, then Discoverers is appropriate.  The room at the far end of the New Church is also available for a self-supervised creche for 0-2 years.

Lesson Title: ContentmentText: Matthew 6:25–34Big Idea: Jesus tells his followers not to worry about food, clothes or money because God knows what they need and will provide.Teaching Aim: To encourage the children to not worry about the things they need, but to trust Jesus as their King to provide.


Date:5 March 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Lazarus Gatimu

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