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Sometimes we know what we should do. We know what Christ our King commands us to do. But we don’t feel like it. We are not in the mood. Maybe tomorrow. Actually even the opposite attracts us, feels more comfortable, natural, safe and satisfying. What – if we know what we have to do, but feel like this – should we do? We must read and remember our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer as we find it in John 17. Upcoming Sunday we will read it. Never was there a prayer prayed that is so empowering for us as this prayer. You are so welcome to join us upcoming Sunday and to learn more.


With Easter in sight, the children at ICFD will follow the Passion narrative in Luke’s Gospel.  Over the next three Sundays, they will cover the holy week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  The short series explores how a holy God made it possible for sinful people to enter his kingdom through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.Lesson Title: The Triumphal EntryText: Luke 19:28-40
Big Idea: When Jesus entered Jerusalem his followers praised him as king, but the Pharisees tried to stop them.Teaching Aim: To teach that Jesus is the promised king, but not all people praise him as they should.


Date:26 March 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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