Families have their own customs, traditions and characteristics. True faith in Jesus Christ is not just a mental thing. The one who has truly come to believe in Jesus Christ has received a new birth; and discovers that he or she is born into a new family. A unique family. A family that looks to Jesus as its `family Head’. A family that looks to Jesus’ loving Father as their own loving Father. A family where his word is treasured and kept. A family where the family-members are mutually loved and served. A family that has a different source of joy, strength, security, excitement and identity than all other families have. Upcoming Sunday we will learn more about this, as we read I John 2:12-17. You are so welcome to join ICF Delft and to learn more!
Treasure Seekers
This week for the kids of ICFD it is the last lesson from Samuel’s life. Next week and in the coming weeks the children continue in the book of 1 Samuel by looking at Saul and then David.
This Sunday 9th, Discoverers and Explorers will join together, so all kids from age 3 through primary age are welcome, in the room at the far end of the New Church building. We hope to offer Treasure Seekers each Sunday through the summer, except for 30 July and 6 August.Lesson Title: Samuel, the Judge
Text: 1 Samuel 7:2-17 Big Idea: Samuel told Israel to get rid of their idols and turn back to God; the people obeyed and God gave them victory. Aim: To teach that God rescues and restores those who truly repent and come to him through Jesus.Details
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager