Things unseen made visible
What we see with our eyes is only a small part of reality. With instruments we can make things visible, which are invisible for the human eye. Not only with instruments can we make things visible. Somebody who reads a book about history can perceive things that happened in the past through such a book. If they happened long ago, they are invisible for the human eye. Yet they become visible for our imagination through the words of the author of the book. To make things unseen visible was the task of the biblical prophets. They pointed to the ignored holiness and sovereignty of God. To ignored sins and human blindness. To ignored warnings and promises of God concerning the future. The ministry of the prophets is of undiminished relevance for us today. Upcoming Sunday we read Isaiah 6 and we will see what it meant for Isaiah to be called to be God’s prophet. You are so welcome to come and to learn more!
At Treasure Seekers the children next look at the ministry of Elisha. He was the man of God sent to help God’s faithful people with various difficulties (this Sunday, week 1 of the series). Through his words and actions Elisha clearly demonstrated what God is like:
God judges his wayward people, but is intimately involved in their lives and provides for both their immediate and eternal needs (week 2). He has the power to give life, take it away and restore it again (week 3). He longs to rescue people from all nations (week 4). He is always present to protect and fight for his people, even when this might not be apparent (week 5). He is totally in control of every situation and will always act to rescue his people according to his promises and perfect timing (week 6). When God reveals himself to his people in this way he only ever requires that they trust his words and live in patient obedience. This is clearly seen in the ministry of Elisha and even more in the life of Jesus. Following the bible bite during the service this Sunday, the kids may go to their Treasure Seekers groups. For Explorers kids: please can your child(ren) bring a bible?Lesson Title: Elisha’s Miracles
Text: 2 Kings 2:19-25; 4:38-44; 6:1-7 Big Idea: Elisha’s many miracles proved that he was the man God had chosen to help his people – rejecting him had serious consequences. Aim: To teach that God graciously helps those who trust the rescuer he has chosen and judges those who reject him.Details
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager