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Duty or delight?

In church we sing. Is it our duty, or our delight? We read our Bibles, pray – (do you still?). Is it your duty, or your delight? As Christians, we encourage one another. We even try to share the Gospel with those who don’t believe – (do we?). Is that our duty, or our delight? Upcoming Sunday we read Isaiah 12. Here we hear a people that sings, serves and shares with great delight. What is their secret, what lies behind their delight? You are so welcome to join and to learn more!



Following the bible bite during the ICFD service this Sunday, the kids may go to their Treasure Seekers groups.  Please can Explorers kids bring their bibles, and also their John “folder” they received last week?Lesson Title: Healing away from HomeText: John 4:43-54Big Idea: An official came to Jesus to ask him to heal his son; Jesus promised the boy would live and the man trusted his words.Aim: To teach that true followers of Jesus will believe because of his words and not just what they see.


Date:21 January 2024
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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