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What Jesus about unity, fellowship and love

Jesus didn’t talk much about the unity, but He was practicing it by saying to His disciples to be together. And Jesus prayed about the unity between Him and the disciples and also for us, the one who are going to believe Jesus through the teaching of the disciples or Apostles of Jesus. We will have 3 points: What Jesus about unity, unity and fellowship are related and unity produce love.


Lesson Title: The Paralytic at the PoolText: John 5:1-18Big Idea: Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, but neither the man nor the Jews who were there responded with faith.Aim: To teach that those who have true faith in Jesus will have a personal relationship with him and repent of their sin.


Date:28 January 2024
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Claude Mushikangondo

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