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The King’s Songs – Palm Sunday service

When Jesus approached Jerusalem a few days before he would be crucified, people began to sing `Hosanna’ and `Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’. Upcoming Sunday we look at that song – Psalm 118. The people would always sing this Psalm when they came near to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. However, now they sung it with great expectations that this Psalm would find it’s fulfilment now in Jesus. And it would. But not the way they had expected it. The night before Jesus would be crucified, in the end of the Passover meal, Jesus and his disciples sung this Psalm again. Are we sufficiently aware that we have Jesus’ own hymn-book in the Bible? Upcoming Sunday we will read Psalm 118 and learn how these words, the song of Jesus, contain abundant blessing for us still. You are so welcome to join and learn more. And of course, we will also sing the Psalm!


Title: Going on Mission

Text: Matthew 28:16-20

Big Idea: After Jesus had been raised to life he met his disciples and commanded them to go to people of all nations, telling them the good news and training them to follow him.

Aim: To teach that being a follower of Jesus means bringing other people from all nations to know and follow him.


Date:24 March 2024
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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