The King’s Work – Good Friday Service | Marcuskerk
We all have tasks in our lives. There is work for us to be done. Our Lord has worked also. As a carpenter. And as a rabbi and teacher. But his ultimate work, as a king, was to die a substitutionary death at a terrible cross. To save us from our sins. Upcoming Friday we listen to Matthew’s record of what happened. We stand still and gaze at the work of salvation that Jesus accomplished there for us. You are so welcome to come and to join the service.
Pay attention: this service will be in the Marcuskerk, Menno ter Braaklaan 1, at Delft, from 17.00 to 18.00.
On Friday 29 March (Good Friday), ICFD has a service at 17:00. There are no Treasure Seekers groups during that service. The building used has a room available for a self-supervised creche. Families are nonetheless welcome, and you might like to bring the attached materials or a Christian book for your child(ren).
Title: The King is Dead!
Text: Matthew 27:15-61
Big Idea: Jesus was unfairly treated by everyone involved in his trial and death, but God used everything that happened to make it possible for sinners to be friends with him.
Aim: To teach that we can be confident that God rules over the plans of those who reject Jesus in order to rescue his people.
Time:5:00 pm
Speaker:Jos Slager