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How not to hate what should be loved

We know there have to be standards. What would be the value of your university degree if you had not been meeting standards. But we know how it feels, when we are tested. When we have to meet the standards. And when it is not sure whether we will be able to meet them. God has standards too. We call them `commandments’. God’s standards tell us what is acceptable to God and what is not. And God even tells us to love his standards. Since they are very good. But that is not easy, is it? Upcoming Sunday we go deeper into these questions as we study in our church service the first letter of John, I John 2:3-11. You are so welcome to join!


This week at Treasure Seekers the kids start of the book of 1 Samuel!  In the coming months they will look at the lives of Samuel, Saul and David.  May God bless them to see King Jesus, to whom King David points.

The first series of three lessons explores three stages of Samuel’s life: his birth, his call to be a prophet as a boy and his rule as judge. God carefully chose Samuel to lead his people and to teach them to live in faithful obedience to him. Each lesson covers two key aspects of life as God’s people:
* God’s sovereign rule * The people’s response of faith

The life of God’s people is much the same today: we must come to our sovereign God in faith and respond to his rescue in obedience. Unlike the Israelites, however, we have an even greater priest, prophet and judge who is able to save and sustain us as we trust in him and listen to his word.Lesson Title: Samuel, the BabyText: 1 Samuel 1:1-28Big Idea: Hannah was childless so she asked God for a son and promised to dedicate him to God; God answered her prayers and she kept her promise.Aim: To teach that God generously answers prayers at just the right time as part of his good plan.


Date:25 June 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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