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The arrival of the King

In countries where there still is a king, sometimes these kings bring unexpected and unannounced visits. Other times however, their coming is announced, expected and prepared. Before Jesus, the Son of God, the great Lord and King, would come to public, John the Baptist prepared the way for his coming by preaching for repentance and by baptising people. Upcoming Sunday we look at John the Baptist’s ministry. As his ministry was necessary to prepare the way, so today we have to prepare for his second coming, which will be his coming in glory and to judge. For this preparation the Lord, before his ascension, commissioned his church. You are so welcome to learn more about this!


Lesson Title: Feeding the Five-thousandText: John 6:1-15, 25-59Big Idea: Jesus miraculously fed a large crowd in a remote place, but they were only interested in him because he satisfied their physical need.Aim: To teach that Jesus is God and is therefore able to perfectly meet our physical and spiritual needs forever.


Date:4 February 2024
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager

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