Last week we saw that Isaiah prophesied which most wonderful names the Messiah would have. This week we look at the peace he would bring. The birth of Jesus brings a real peace, which surpasses all understanding. Upcoming Sunday we listen to the preaching from Isaiah 9:7. You are so welcome to join!
Upcoming Sunday, Lord willing, we celebrate the Lord’s supper. How good is it to celebrate that, also now that it is almost Christmas. Through the bread and the wine the Lord affirms his promise to all believers that He sustains them and maintains them in His peace. By this everyone who is part of ICF Delft is encouraged to be present in this holy communion service, as it is also a reaffirmation of our covenant with God and with each other. Those who are not part of ICF Delft, but are professing believers from elsewhere, are also most welcome to partake in the Holy Communion service. If you have not yet professed faith in Jesus Christ and not yet have been baptised we request that you do not yet partake of the bread and the wine, though we are most happy if you could join us in the service and in the celebration. To observe it can also be a great blessing! And if you want to prepare to make a profession of faith (and to be baptised), we are most happy to hear that from you and to help you in this – do not hesitate to let me or someone from the council know.Details
Date:24 December 2023
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager
Time:12:30 pm
Location:New Church Delft
Speaker:Jos Slager