God is unstoppable

So nothing should stop the church from preaching the gospel to the world

In this bible chapter we see how difficulties in Christian life (persecution of the church) can work for the greater good of distributing the gospel. Is Christian faith really that important for your personal life? Can it truly give meaning to your life? Balance your work or study, following the wise lessons of God’s sacred word.

Join us at Sunday July 2 and ask all questions you have to student pastor Solomon Dimitriadis, during the free lunch following our service.

No other Name?!

Soon after the execution of Jesus two of his followers were arrested by the Jerusalem authorities. Unlike in Delft today, everywhere the apostles went, there was a riot. What was it about their message which got the authorities, and others, so alarmed and angry? Wouldn’t it be simply great news to know that Jesus was alive and well and was providing a wonderful rescue operation? The answer is: not if you were already in power. Next Sunday we listen to this story and try to understand what it can mean for us, today. We also celebrate Holy Communion. Welcome!

work that is meaningful!

How can I be sure that my work is meaningful?

Do you believe that your study/work is meaningful? Whether you think about your job, or search for a job, or invest in your family, it is difficult, when you experience hardships, set backs and frustrations! How to be sure that it all makes sense in the end? Can you believe that fruits are lasting? And how to be sure that –after all- death is not the end of everything?

It is important to search for a meaningful life and a transformed world. But what actually are good reasons for it? And there is an important reason for it: The apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians (ch. 15) gives moving arguments how we can be sure that our work is not in vain. The main reason he gives is: the resurrection of Christ from the dead. There are compelling reasons to believe that and if this is true, then there is a real perspective for our life and our work: although we will experience that it is very incomplete, and we had hoped to do much better, it still finds a place in God’s new world, and it will be complete, transformed by his grace!

This is the last sermon in the series ‘Christian@work’. Welcome in the ICF-service, Sunday 30 April, 12.15 hrs in de Génestetchurch, Oude Delft 102.

Going Home

Go back to your first exitement about Jesus. What‘s left of it? What do you need to feel alive again, to keep alive the hope of faith in Jesus? Probably the same as two close friends of Jesus, travelling to their hometown Emmaus on the first day of Easter:  the reassurance that Jesus really is alive! Two friends of Jesus were on their way home to a town called Emmaus. They were sad and confused because of what happened with Jesus in Jerusalem. Contrary to their expectations, he was killed. And worse: his body disappeared from the tomb. This famous Easter Story is about hope, dreams and expectations. And about disappointments in life. Welcome on Sunday in our church, where we continue to celebrate Easter!