Dynamic Christian community

What does it mean to be Christian? Members of a newly established international fellowship in Antioch, Syria (± 40 A.D.) were called ‘Christians’ for the first time. They stood out in their words and behaviour. Discover more about a sincere Christian life and about a dynamic Christian fellowship in the ICF-Delft church service on 23 July!

What does it mean to be Christian?

The first time we hear the name ‘Christian’ is in Antioch around the year 40 A.D. A new international fellowship arose in that city (the third city in the Roman Empire). This happened because some Jewish followers of Jesus where scattered around by persecution, moved around, reached the city of Antioch and began to announce the Gospel of Jesus to the Greeks there. This was a new step and outsiders in the city used the nickname ‘Christians’ because their behaviour was notable.

Breakthrough despite suffering

We find the dynamics of this young fellowship in the book of Acts, chapter 11 and 13. The Christian community in Antioch reflects a real breakthrough of the Gospel despite suffering and opposition. Because it crosses many barriers of language and culture. Here you find a compassionate church, caring for the needs of others and a sending church. Because they sent off their best leaders to bring the Gospel to other nations. Being a Christian means participating in this dynamics that includes pain of suffering and joy of breakthroughs. By the way you still can visit the first built Christian church in Antioch that is a city in the south of Turkey now.

Discover more

Discover many more interesting and important marks of a sincere Christian life and a dynamic Christian community! This Sunday, 23 July in the church service of ICF-Delft, 12 hrs 15, Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102. Looking forward to meeting you there! Pastor Niek Tramper.

Fear God and love your neighbour

What does it mean when the Bible calls someone a “God-fearing” man? Can this be said of people that are not a member of the Christian community? Coming Sunday we will get to know Cornelius, a Roman officer of the first century AD. He is called devout because he fears God and is good for his fellow human beings. How did he get there? What is God plan for him? How does his story affects us? Welcome Sunday morning in the service of the International Christian Fellowship in Delft, at noon.


Before Paul became a Christian, he lived strictly according to Jewish laws. After his conversion Paul became the most famous preacher of the gospel. He writes about his conversion as a radical change: “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal. 2:20). Next sunday the sermon is about the change of conversion. Where does it start? What is it? And what are its consequences?

Why suffering belongs to (the christian) life

Christianity is often associated with health, prosperity, blessing. At the same time we see many Christians having a difficult life because of their faith. Some are laughed at. Others became outcasts. But also if we don’t suffer beacuse of our faith, we suffer in spite of our faith. In fact, suffering is a part of Christian life. Why is that? And how can we deal with suffering in our lives? Sunday we will search for answers to this important question!

A Life Changing Community

In order to be able to grow and to develop yourself you need a small community like the family. But do you still need a place where you can find acceptance, forgiveness or healing? If so, hear more  about the start of a life changing, spontaneous and colorful community this Sunday. It is how we want to be church!

Healing experience in a student’s group

When I started as a student in Biology at the age of 18, a small group of students invited me for a weekly meeting. It changed my life because of the warm fellowship, the honest questions dealt with, the sharing of difficulties and ambitions. What brought us together was the search for God. I never experienced something like that before. It turned upside down my life within a year. It was an experience of healing and renewing for me, and God used several people of the small group for that.

What if it goes wrong?

Most of us grow up in a small community: the family. Later new communities define our development like a school class, youth club, sportclub, study friends, colleagues. The more others like (grand)parents, friends and colleagues affirm us in our development, the more we can become independent thinkers and actors. But not always a community adds to our growth. Sometimes bad examples, lies and dishonesty confront us. We also may discover a darkness that already nurtured itself in our deepest self. What if our life turns out to go wrong? When we have reasons to feel guilty, when we are lonely, when we fail? What to do?

God’s grace in a new community

Coming Sunday, 18 June we will see how God really changes people’s life, including their relationship with others. Because of that they spontaneously form a new community with people of very different character, education and origin. As if the animals of a zoo live together. Here they can grow toward a mature, joyful and thankful person (Acts 2 verse 37 -47). It is all through God’s grace, through experiencing forgiveness and the healing power of such a new vibrant community!

Hear more in the service coming Sunday, Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15. This is a special service because Petyr Jin will give his testimony and be baptized.

Pastor Niek Tramper

No other Name?!

Soon after the execution of Jesus two of his followers were arrested by the Jerusalem authorities. Unlike in Delft today, everywhere the apostles went, there was a riot. What was it about their message which got the authorities, and others, so alarmed and angry? Wouldn’t it be simply great news to know that Jesus was alive and well and was providing a wonderful rescue operation? The answer is: not if you were already in power. Next Sunday we listen to this story and try to understand what it can mean for us, today. We also celebrate Holy Communion. Welcome!

Holy Spirit: Comforter and Coach

Comforter and coach! That sounds well, yes, but these words might raise many questions to you. Who or what actually is the Spirit of God and how does He do this work of comforting and coaching? If I need such a coach, how can I ask Him? More in the ICF-service 4 th of June!

Jesus said that the Spirit is the Comforter who will bring new joy in God. That he is the Coach who will help us finding a real and lasting life goal. That he is de Advocate, the one who assists if we are accused, and when we realize that we cannot stand in God’s judgment.

The Spirit of God wants to create in us a new heart, a new desire to love God and to love people around. He causes a deep longing for the renewal of a world that is full of evil and pain still.

Eager to learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit? Join us in the ICF-service, Sunday 4 June (Pentecost Sunday, the Sunday of the Holy Spirit), 12 hrs 15 Génestet church, Oude Delft 102. Pastor Niek Tramper will do the sermon and afterwards you are welcome for a fellowship lunch.

Creation Care

The theme for coming sunday (may 28th) is ‘creation care’. After reading the story of creation (Genesis 1), I would like to answer this question: “How can the biblical belief that everything we know is the result of creation help us to do our scientific work?” In the service we will also share our experiences and pray for our daily work as christian researchers at TU Delft or Unesco. You are invited!

False and True Dreams

False and True Dreams

Many of us dream to be settled in career, long for a stable family and work for a harmonious society. Many of us cherish dreams of a peaceful world with no threads of terrorist attacks, wars and climate changes. You are not human if you don’t long for that. It is wonderful if you see your dreams become true. We also know that dreams often are unrealistic. We have to admit that the world is far from what we dreamt her to be.

The disciples of Jesus in their time dreamt to see the settlement of a peaceful nation with economic, social and spiritual welfare. But Jesus promises something different to his students: the gift of the Spirit that sets them in motion. No settlement, but on the move! They will cross barriers of language and culture, personal and social barriers. Why? Because they will be witnesses of God’s new world. They will not stick to the establishment but will announce a new and transformed world. The Kingdom that God promises and that is coming!

How can we do our daily work and at the same time become participants in this movement of the Spirit? Discover more in ICF-Delft-service on 21 May. In this service we make a start with a new series of sermons about the way the Spirit of God moved people to spread the Good News in the early century. And how He does it today! Welcome in ICF-Delft, Sunday 21 May 12. Hrs 15 Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102.

Need help? Ask Jesus. He lives

Christians claim that Jesus lives. Although He is invisible and cannot be measured by scientific equipment, still He influences human life. People can approach Him and ask for help. The question is how to do that and how to behave. Next Sunday, the service will be on these questions. Most welcome.