Easter, the sequel / or: The real question of what happened at Easter, 15 April

Easter, the sequel / or: The real question of what happened at Easter

The early Easter-accounts are sparkling stories from eye-witnesses. The interesting thing about Luke’s closing scene, for all it’s joy, excitement and anxiety, is that it brings into focus the real question of what happened at Easter: what sort of body did Jesus have? And how can we, living our lives in our mortal bodies connect to the reality of Easter? 

See and hear more in the church service of ICF Delft on 15 April, 12.15 hrs in the Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102.

Rev. Hans-Jan Roosenbrand

Why we need Jesus, April 8

Why we need Jesus 

What do you need most in daily life? Some will say: ‘What I need most is good health, so that I am able to do my work, to continue my study and to prepare for my future. Maybe others say: ‘First of all good friends because they help me to feel at ease and to cope with uncertainties.’ There is a lot that we need: health, friends, family, finances, an apartment or house, work, … 

In the service of ICF-Delft this Sunday we face a need that is greater than the needs mentioned. It is our spiritual and eternal need, our relationship with God. The question that we face is this: ‘Why do we need Jesus?’ Many people acknowledge that Jesus is important, that his words are wise, his example magnificent. That he is one of the most important religious leaders. But that is not the reason why we need him above all. What this reason is we want to explore when we focus on chapter 24 of the Gospel of Luke (verses 23 – 35). This is about a special and crucial story. Jesus meets with two lonely and sad walkers on their way But what exactly is their home? Come and see and get yourself convinced in Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15.

Pastor Niek Tramper 

Easter Celebration, Sunday Service April 1

The greatest news ever!

Easter is the greatest news ever. We can easily see why. It changed the lives of many people, living in a variety of times and cultures. And, what’s more important: it has the potential to change your life! Come and celebrate Easter with us on Sunday.

Easter Service on Sunday 1 April, at 12 hrs 15 in the Génestet Church – This is a special joyful service celebrating Easter. Invite your friends, colleagues and family members to join you to this celebration.

Rev. Hans-Jan Roosenbrand

‘It is finished!’ Good Friday service, March 30

Service of ICF-Delft on Good Friday

Good Friday is a special day in which we remember the terrible suffering of Jesus. Why the cross was necessary? One of Jesus’ last words at the cross were: ‘It is finished’. That’s why we may be sure that Jesus accomplished his work of redemption, and that there is a real reason for hope. At the same time the cross makes us very humble because not our efforts will bring a hopeful change, but only what He did.

See and hear more in the church service of ICF Delft on 30 March, 19.30 hrs in the Génestet Church, Oude Delft 102.

Pastor Niek Tramper

Why Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples? March 25

Why Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples?

Coming Sunday 25 March is the first day of a special week as we remember the suffering of the Lord Jesus. This week is called the Holy Week or Silent Week.

Why was Jesus betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas? It seems that nobody understood Jesus’ way of suffering so well as Judas. But he didn’t want it. It is clear that he was very disappointed in Jesus in the end. Judas’ ideas about the coming Kingdom were very different from Jesus’ way.

Disappointment is a strong emotion in relationships. Disappointment can easily lead to frustration and rejection. Jesus didn’t meet Judas’ expectations and that is why he started to despise him. But Jesus didn’t give up loving Judas.

The story of Judas is a kind of mirror about dealing with disappointments. But more important it encourages us to think through why we want to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus said that we should take up our cross and follow Him. The cross is the point where Jesus’ longing and my longing cross. How can we persevere and grow as a disciple of Jesus? Hear, see more in the church service of ICF Delft coming Sunday 25 March in the Génestetchurch, Oude Delft 102, 12 hrs 15.

Pastor Niek Tramper

Celebration of Holy Communion

This Sunday, as a start of the Holy Week, we also celebrate the Holy Communion. The HC is a special celebration and reminder of what Jesus did for us. Actually Jesus himself is the host and we may receive a piece of bread and a tiny cup of wine as signs of his broken body and shed blood. All who confess Him as their Saviour and Lord are very welcome to partake. If you are still unsure or search to know God, you may let it pass, but we warmly invite you to ask for a personal prayer after the service.


Have you found the narrow way to life?

Have you found the narrow way to life?

Jesus ends his famous sermon on the mount with a couple of warnings. Like this one: ‘small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’ (Matthew 7,14). This means that if you want to follow Jesus you must be willing to make real choices.

Coming Sunday we listen to this message and think about this important question: ‘How to find life?’

We look forward to see you and discover together more about what Rev. Hans-Jan Roosenbrand will tell us about this exciting topic!

‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged’

‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged’

We constantly assess other people and other people constantly assess us.
That is why we have opinions about people and use prejudices to estimate
people. You may find this annoying, but it is unavoidable. Yet, as
Christians we cannot easily accept that reality. For Jesus has made a
statement that makes you think: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”
(Matthew 7,1). What did He mean by that?

You are most welcome to join and find out more!

Pastor Simon van der Lugt

‘Do not worry – look at the birds’ – Service on Sunday on March 4

‘Do not worry – look at the birds’

Nobody is without anxiety and fear. Jesus’ words ‘Do not worry’ may sound unrealistic and too simple for us. What, if you are facing unrelenting deadlines in your study and feel overburdened? What if you need to consult a doctor because of health problems? What if you are worried about family issues? Is there a way to escape from anxiety and fear? Let us listen more carefully to what Jesus meant in the service of coming Sunday, 4 March. 

‘Look at the birds’ says Jesus, ‘look at the lilies, you see that God feeds them and clothes them.’ Jesus didn’t mean that we should not care at all. His words are not a recommendation to ‘go into the wild’ or to go for ‘flower power’. Jesus makes very clear that our priorities matter. That what comes first is decisive, is a matter of life and death. It determines the difference between freedom and captivity. Between having surrendered our life to our Creator who wants to be our Father, and being captured by all the concerns and fears that accompany us daily. Join us to listen to the impressive and life changing words of Jesus in chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew!

Potluck Lunch after the Service

After the service we will have potluck lunch together! Just bring something to eat to share so we will have enough for everyone (doesn’t have to be homemade). Also invite your friends to join us and lets all have fellowship with one another!

Pastor Niek Tramper 



Family Relationships and Education

Coming Sunday will be the third service in our series on relationships.
Christian parents are sometimes confused or overwhelmed with the responsibility they have to bring up their children in a godly way. Parents are stewards and don’t own their children. But parents are responsible for their upbringing. Part of this upbringing is to educate them in the ways of God. They aim to help their children not only to be well-behaved but to come to a knowledge of the truth. This is to help them know God’s love and hopefully make a commitment to follow Him.

What does the Bible say about ‘educating’ our children in God’s ways? How is this to be done? How is this not to be done? What if the children will not follow God? How can this process of bringing up children in a godly manner help parents grow in their own relationship with God? We will try to touch on these questions and study a few passages from the Bible that shed some light on this issues. You are warmly welcomed to our Sunday service to discover more about this! Join us on November 5 in the Génestet church, Oude Delft 102, at 12:15pm.

Potluck Lunch
After the Service we will have Potluck Lunch together.
Everyone brings some food to church, either savoury or sweet, enough for 8-10 people. There are limited warming options in the kitchen (a small microwave, and electric plates).  You could bring, homemade or shop-bought (for example savoury dish, vegetables, rice, bread, cheese, snacks, dessert, biscuits, tart, fresh fruit or vla). Everything and everyone is welcome!